A Revolutionary Night Vision Camera That Lets You See in Full Color
The dark green and black images typically produced by a night vision camera have become synonymous with the technology-to the point where it's even used in movies any time covert surveillance is implied. But a Japanese company called Komamura has developed a new kind of night vision camera that captures full color footage even when it's completely dark out.
The company isn't exactly forthcoming with how the technology on the Falcon Eye KC-2000 works, but the 720P camera, which allows lenses to be swapped for various videography needs, could revolutionize nature photography providing a more accurate look at nocturnal animals. And law enforcement will probably jump on the technology since it will result in improved surveillance footage that could better stand up as evidence in court.
Pricing and availability info for the KC-2000 haven't been revealed just yet, but given the size of the camera it's a safe assumption its price tag will be targeted at those with actual 'night vision gear' sections in their annual budgets. But eventually the technology should trickle down to us laymen. [Komamura Corporation via Fareastgizmos]
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